
To be honest, I’ve always scoffed at the Whole30. My brother and sister-in-law do Whole30 two or three times a year and I’ve always rolled my eyes at it. Cutting out all these things seem ridiculous and why would anyone want to live that way? No sugar? No bread or past? *cries* I’ve always been a firm believer in moderation, I don’t like telling myself no, and I knew that moderation is a better path for me than any “diet”.

But here’s the thing… I have other issues besides just losing weight. And while moderation does work for me (when I’m actually moderating) I still have a HUGE problem with sugar. I need to do something drastic to change my tastebuds. Another friend is doing Keto, and swears that this has helped with cravings. While I know I could consider Keto, I think the Whole30 approach better meets my needs.

I really want to make a lifestyle change (sugar cravings have GOT TO GO). I’m going all in with Whole30, which scares me a little because 1. I really like all these things I’m giving up and 2. I’m not always good with telling myself no (though I’m getting better). But it’s summer so I have plenty of time to cook so it’s the perfect time for me to jump in to Whole30.

Even though the ultimate reason for doing this is to lose weight and become a healthier eater I will admit that I’m hoping for some side benefits. I am very prone to ear infections and sinus infections. I’ve also been taking both a nasal spray and pill for allergies every day for three or four years now and my nose never quite feels 100% clear. In doing some reading on the Whole30 some people have said that changing their eating habits have helped these (among other) issues.

I won’t be embarking on this journey until next week, I went grocery shopping last weekend and I do not want to be wasteful of the food I have. I’m going to continue to keep track of my calories as I’m doing now and eat as healthy as I can and then start Whole30 on July 11.
