Whole30 Day 1

I really want a place to write about my Whole30 experience so I’ll be doing daily updates here. At least attempting to anyways.

My main goal is to become healthier with side benefits of less allergy issues and losing weight.
Today I felt fine all day, save for a small headache (probably due to lack of caffeine, but I was whittling that down so not as bad as it could be). And I’m kind of tired. Which, truthfully could also be related to it being almost that time of the month.

As far as temptations go today was a good day, but I also felt like it probably would be given that it’s only truly been one day. But still – props to me!

I’ve been testing out Whole30 foods for about a week now, but tonight I made banana egg pancakes, and they were amazing. I will definitely be seeing more of them in my future.
