Last of the Junk Food

I’m starting Whole30 on Tuesday and while I know that’s still a few days away I’m committed to eating healthier before then (I just don’t want to stress myself out with Monday night’s event or I’d start tomorrow). This is my last coke and last “treat”. I know I probably should have passed up on both, but… I didn’t.

In the last few days I’ve done a ton of reading about Whole30 and I’m excited to begin my journey, even if it does seem a bit daunting. I’ve thought about putting it off for various reasons:
  1. Based on what I read it may interfere with my DietBet (bloating, etc).
  2. You’re not supposed to weigh yourself (but I have to with DietBet ending during the Whole30).
  3. I’ll be in the reintroduction phase on my birthday and I won’t have hit the gluten reintroduction yet.
  4. I could start after my birthday, but that runs in to the start of school, when I am less like to want to cook anything, let alone healthy things.
Basically I can continue to make all the excuses.

Or I can just do it.

And I can combat each of those reasons with a reason why I should do it now.
  1. Yes, it may interfere, but I can’t let that be the reason why I put it off. Yes it’s a risk, but it’s one I’m willing to take.
  2. I’m going to have to break this rule, but I’m ok with that. I know it’s not in the spirit of the Whole30, but of all the rules I could break this one doesn’t sound so bad. And I’m only planning on weighing myself for the weigh out for DietBet, not in between.
  3. While not recommended the reintroduction phase can be rearranged, so I might do that.
  4. Starting during the school year is the worst idea in the history of ever.
So, there you have it. My excuses and my rebuttals.
