Another Day of Poor Choices

Yesterday was soooooooo not a good day, and if I’m being honest, I don’t even have a reason why. I wasn’t stressed. Nothing bad happened to cause my poor choices. I just made them. I ate so much crap yesterday and went way over on my calories and since I’m being honest here on my blog, I’m disappointed in myself.

A lot disappointed in myself.

I also missed my StepBet goal by less than 100 steps because I wasn’t paying attention. Sunday will no longer be a rest day for me. (Maybe that was Karma looking out for me though, I don’t really deserve a rest day if I make such poor choices.)

I’ve committed to starting Whole30 on Tuesday. And while I was going to keep my food in order to not be wasteful, I think I’m just going to bite the bullet and toss some of the garbage. Some foods I know I can hang on to because I know they don’t expire for awhile and I know I can say no. Other stuff I’m a little worried about… like cheese. But it has to go.

I’m also going to have to seriously look at things from a financial standpoint, Whole30 may be more expensive because I eat a lot of crap, but then again I might save money because I’ll be eating at home and will hopefully have less stuff I throw away because I’m too lazy to do anything about it. Either way, I’m going all in, I’ve already spent around $100 this summer on things to assist me in the losing weight process (bodyboss book, Whole30 book, and some workout clothes).

Speaking of bodyboss – it’s kicking my ass and I get really gross and sweaty, but I’m hanging in there. I may repeat the first four weeks to improve my time as well as work on my form for some of these exercises. We’ll see how I feel in 3 weeks!
